A program for HSPs

Intuitive Warrior Journey


"My life has truly completely changed. I now have more consistent energy. I speak up for my needs more, and understand why I have certain needs.

I do a better job of taking care of my nervous system, and know very clearly how to do that. I value my sensitivity. I've started to love parts of myself that I thought were at the minimum annoying or a nuisance."


"I am more centered in myself. Able to connect to the present. More at peace with my hsp-ness. I have tools now, for different situations, number one was about what to do when emotions arise, I used to be so overwhelmed and fearful as soon as any emotions would show up and then suppress them as I didn't know what to do - now I do! I am more gentle with myself and my growth"


"The depth of Brooke's understanding of the struggles and strengths of being HSP was profoundly validating."
Intuitive Warrior Journey is an online growth program for Highly Sensitive People who want to quiet the noise of the world, take control of their anxiety, and feel free to be uniquely themselves.

Life is just TOO MUCH.

To-do lists, other people’s moods, life’s uncertainty, and the chaos of work and family: it all adds up to exhaustion and burnout.

You look around and wonder if you’re the only one struggling this much- you hold a painful worry that something is wrong with you.

You’ve tried so hard to feel better, but things only help temporarily.

You've tried to feel grounded through meditation or exercise. You've talked to friends, read books, taken courses and maybe even talked to a therapist.

Or maybe you tried to be somebody different than who you are, disconnecting from your feelings or becoming super busy to distract from how you're feeling deep down.

If you're ready to feel worry-free, accepted, and supported, you may be the perfect candidate to join the Intuitive Warrior Journey.

Imagine how different your life would be if you could:
- Create a buffer between yourself and others' emotions
- Feel confident using your intuition as your compass
- Be completely un-phased by waves of emotion
- Learn how to avoid the overwhelm trap
- Redirect your brain from obsessive thinking and worry
- Know in your bones that you're worthy of love and belonging

Discover the power of online learning

Engaging video

Enjoy a powerful curriculum of videos created by an expert therapist specializing in Highly Sensitive People.

Growth Sheets

With journal prompts and written recaps, you'll make sure you can implement what you're learning in your everyday life.

Guided Audios

Meditations and visualizations to help you find calm within yourself, protect your boundaries, and discover your truest self.

Trauma-Triggered Toolkit

Feeling triggered? No problem. Learn effective tools to help your nervous system return quickly to baseline.
Meet your instructor, brooke Nielsen yang
Most of us grew up feeling "too sensitive", "too much" and at the same time, not enough. My purpose is to help challenge those perceptions so that you can start seeing and celebrating your strengths. I bring my expertise as a trauma-informed and HSP-specialized therapist to give you tools to feel more confident and live a more energized life. 
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